Model MWA4-70 Reagentless City Water Analyser
Residual Chlorine, Turbidity, Conductivity, pH, Temp.
Reagentless City Water Analyzer
There has been a significant interest in monitoring the drinking water distribution networks within the United States as a requirement of continued homeland security concerns.
The US EPA and Department of Homeland security currently have programs which are looking at ways to monitor the public water supplies and be able to advise the proper authorities when there are breaches or irregularities within these distribution systems. A significant amount of money is currently being spent on technology and systems to perform this task.
Currently, there is very little monitoring of the downstream drinking water distribution systems here in the United States. There are also very few systems, if any, that are specifically designed for this task. Many use reagents, are large panel mount systems made from a combination of independent meters and monitors plumbed together, and most require significant maintenance.
The MWA4 multiparameter water analyzer, manufactured by DKK-TOA of Japan, is currently being used in multiple countries for doing this type of monitoring on public water supplies. It is commercially available, "off the shelf" technology that has been designed over many years of research and development using state of the art technology by the world leader in the water and wastewater instrument industy.
The MWA4 analyzer is the worlds smallest, most compact multiparameter water analyzer available. It is using reagent free technology which allows it to easily be used in remote distribution networks with minimal service and maintainance requirements.
The key to this systems is the reagent free design. Residual chlorine can be monitored continuously using our unique polarographic sensor. This technology has been in use with our handheld resdiual chlorine meter, RC-24, and our process monitor, the CLF-110 for many years. By incorporating this sensor into a microflow cell with other sensors, we have a truly "reagentless" and very low flow monitoring device for free residual chlorine, turbidity, pH, conductivity and temperature.
- Reagentless operation. No reagent consumption during operation
- Compact, self contained system. Approx. 8.5" x 11" size and 22 lbs or less.
- Very low flow, minimal water consumption: Continuous mode: 20-100ml/minute.
- High and Low alarm outputs for each measurement item.
- System error checking with error code and alarm.
- Analogue output, 4-20mADC
- Internal memory for 2 types of data logging. data every hour/5 items for 3 months or every minute for 3 days.
- Dual RS-232C output
- Input contact closure for external wash, calibration, and error checking commands.
- Stable and reliable operation can be further enhanced by auto-zero on timed cycle and auto-cleaning functions. (Turbidity and resdiual chlorine)